[2CARD] 2nd Canadian Armoured Reckless Division

Audix Achillis Reckless!


!!!~~~~~~> You MUST join our Teamspeak Server to Apply to the Clan <~~~~~~
Download Teamspeak Here: http://teamspeak.com/ Connect to: cardts.ddns.net!!!

2CARD is the Sister Clan of [CARD] 1st Canadian Armoured Reconnaissance Division and 2CARD is the competitive Clan CARD is the social Clan.

We are a group of people from across Canada, USA and further, striving to build a Clan we can be proud of. It takes time and effort to become an effective fighting force in WoT be it (Random Battles, Skirmishes, Clan Wars ect). But we are up to the challenge.

New Clan Commander From Sister Clan as of. 12/18/2016

- Skirm , Clan wars ect
- Try to have a tier 10 if not we will help u get there.
- Teamspeak - You don't need a MIC, but it's IMPORTANT that you be able to hear us.
- Age limit MATURE!

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 9

Ø Gevechten10847
Ø WN8779,01
Win / verlies47,12%


Schermutselingen statistieken


