[851] 851st Armoured Brigade

Destroy every Waste of Skin on the Battlefield!


Good group of men and getting better every day.

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 78

Ø Gevechten11174
Ø WN81090,92
Win / verlies48,64%




TessadarToegetreden26-02-2025, 12:31 UTC
buldogwpToegetreden26-02-2025, 12:27 UTC
Misse_Anibal_724Toegetreden21-02-2025, 15:09 UTC
mosesa332Toegetreden20-02-2025, 05:04 UTC
mosesa332Gestopt 18-02-2025, 15:11 UTC
theboxologistGestopt 18-02-2025, 15:11 UTC
Ernie_ActualToegetreden17-02-2025, 22:43 UTC
ItsModeloTiempoToegetreden17-02-2025, 14:31 UTC
tanksrdabombGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
MarkWillyGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
Jishnu_GopalGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
minicuervoGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
Slider_1970Gestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
WhyusobadbroGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
ThesargGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
Ghost_Shell_Gestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
crackerjackerdGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
MajorUglyStickGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
Danish_FrogmanGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
stal1nium_tracksGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
pauludowiesnerGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
bbosongGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
Cocopuffs007Gestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
Shield750Gestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
littleikunGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
BigFootMooseGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
CaasiiaGestopt 16-02-2025, 03:27 UTC
SGTFuriaDnoiteToegetreden15-02-2025, 22:22 UTC
MilJirToegetreden15-02-2025, 20:04 UTC
mosesa332Toegetreden14-02-2025, 05:06 UTC
Purplepickle82Toegetreden11-02-2025, 00:26 UTC
cheese_soupGestopt 06-02-2025, 03:01 UTC
KainzoToegetreden03-02-2025, 13:52 UTC
UtnilGestopt 02-02-2025, 03:01 UTC
WorfteamGestopt 31-01-2025, 03:01 UTC
UtnilToegetreden31-01-2025, 02:43 UTC
JFBarillaGestopt 29-01-2025, 15:01 UTC
AFUTURESEALGestopt 29-01-2025, 15:01 UTC
Matt_SynestGestopt 29-01-2025, 15:01 UTC
fredo44Gestopt 29-01-2025, 15:01 UTC
minicuervoToegetreden29-01-2025, 02:39 UTC