[MVP] Mostly Vacuous Players

Sister clan of GO4T in the GOAT Gaming Community.


MVP formally known as FRAUD is made up of players from multiple clans to create an active competitive environment. In January 2025 we merged with GO4T to create the "GO4T Gaming Community" with the ambition to become the most active community on world of tanks. Our community consist of 3 active clans and a current 4th being built. GO4T,MVP,HYPED,PUBBY/SCAM. Our current reqs are as follows below, if you dont meet them, please feel free to reach out to HYPED/PUBBY.

2nd place in 2024 maneuvers.

Currents MVP requirements:

-2500+ recent wn8 and a minimum of 2800 DPG in meta Tier 10s
- AT LEAST two of 60TP/260/279/CS-63/907/IS-7/277
-A working mic and discord and TeamSpeak 3
-online at least 3/4 nights per week.
(exceptions can be made)

For recruitment DM in game: __Moose ,Colleac, Cereal5 ,StartheFatJuicer, or BCMoose on discord.

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 99

Ø Gevechten22363
Ø WN82213,48
Win / verlies54,44%


Schermutselingen statistieken



graygambitGestopt 25-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Riv__Toegetreden19-03-2025, 20:56 UTC
el_chettoToegetreden19-03-2025, 20:56 UTC
SM0KE_CHECKToegetreden19-03-2025, 20:56 UTC
Free_Candy_Van75Toegetreden19-03-2025, 00:05 UTC
OBERToegetreden18-03-2025, 03:56 UTC
Tj_killemallGestopt 18-03-2025, 02:16 UTC
jamie7575Gestopt 18-03-2025, 02:15 UTC
Drunk0nBoatFumesToegetreden15-03-2025, 23:40 UTC
FAN_de_LEONIDASToegetreden15-03-2025, 23:40 UTC
DadLooking4MilkToegetreden15-03-2025, 23:39 UTC
TealClubberGestopt 14-03-2025, 05:19 UTC
Rono_is_HereGestopt 13-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Deacon_of_WarGestopt 13-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
SeramineGestopt 13-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Striker_DivisionGestopt 13-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
DivertGestopt 13-03-2025, 02:15 UTC
mike_1007Gestopt 12-03-2025, 23:17 UTC
PontiousGestopt 12-03-2025, 23:17 UTC
SharynPetersGestopt 12-03-2025, 23:16 UTC
HighFlowDieselGestopt 12-03-2025, 23:16 UTC
_titus1Toegetreden12-03-2025, 22:22 UTC
JohnnySinsToegetreden12-03-2025, 22:09 UTC
SHo7ING_STARSToegetreden12-03-2025, 21:39 UTC
iSendShellsNdRacialSlursToegetreden12-03-2025, 21:29 UTC
jamie7575Toegetreden12-03-2025, 20:54 UTC
DeIusionToegetreden12-03-2025, 20:54 UTC
Tankzilla66Gestopt 12-03-2025, 11:15 UTC
__titusGestopt 12-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
_SkibidiLigmaToegetreden11-03-2025, 21:11 UTC
_SkibidiLigmaGestopt 11-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
__Insane_o7Gestopt 10-03-2025, 23:21 UTC
MarksmanGunner_1Gestopt 10-03-2025, 23:20 UTC
taco_jrToegetreden10-03-2025, 22:56 UTC
PJUIC3Toegetreden10-03-2025, 20:40 UTC
siemciaToegetreden10-03-2025, 15:14 UTC
fortuna_gratiaToegetreden10-03-2025, 15:11 UTC
JustShelbyGestopt 10-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
BotzudoToegetreden09-03-2025, 21:39 UTC
Glaedr21Gestopt 09-03-2025, 14:15 UTC
The_Greatest23Gestopt 09-03-2025, 11:22 UTC
SqeeboGestopt 09-03-2025, 11:18 UTC
alphanessGestopt 09-03-2025, 11:17 UTC
13DiscipleGestopt 09-03-2025, 08:18 UTC
Rivy_RivToegetreden09-03-2025, 06:18 UTC
Dimons_1Toegetreden09-03-2025, 06:15 UTC
Spam_A20_3m_49Btl_vuhWHOToegetreden09-03-2025, 04:57 UTC
_Alpha___Toegetreden09-03-2025, 04:56 UTC
AKDMToegetreden09-03-2025, 04:56 UTC
STAR_BlackhawkToegetreden09-03-2025, 04:51 UTC
SpearChuckerMooseToegetreden09-03-2025, 04:30 UTC
Mr_SchlappiGestopt 09-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
__MooseGestopt 08-03-2025, 11:18 UTC
siemciaGestopt 08-03-2025, 05:16 UTC
Hey_GoysToegetreden08-03-2025, 04:29 UTC
Deacon_of_WarToegetreden08-03-2025, 04:29 UTC
GerfMasterToegetreden08-03-2025, 03:53 UTC
iSendShellsNdRacialSlursGestopt 07-03-2025, 05:22 UTC
_TraficanteDePao_Toegetreden07-03-2025, 03:16 UTC
rocha_gabrielToegetreden07-03-2025, 02:17 UTC
Rivy_RivGestopt 06-03-2025, 15:01 UTC
MAKO_343Gestopt 06-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Spam_A20_3m_49Btl_vuhWHOGestopt 06-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Norfe_Yen_NAGestopt 06-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
EPICMAN277Toegetreden06-03-2025, 00:24 UTC
alphanessToegetreden06-03-2025, 00:24 UTC
Baby_xTzuyuxAkameToegetreden06-03-2025, 00:20 UTC
T95E6_Toegetreden05-03-2025, 06:52 UTC
OnlyCatsGestopt 05-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Wookie_ChillGestopt 05-03-2025, 02:16 UTC
BarrenwastelandToegetreden05-03-2025, 01:42 UTC
MrCoolOO7Toegetreden05-03-2025, 01:41 UTC
Oxide_Legend_WizardGestopt 04-03-2025, 23:18 UTC
O_P_ChallengerToegetreden04-03-2025, 03:29 UTC
snowdude21325Gestopt 04-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
StarTheFatJuicerGestopt 04-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Just_BaddiesGestopt 04-03-2025, 02:17 UTC
sprite1xGestopt 04-03-2025, 02:16 UTC
FakeTomato_Toegetreden04-03-2025, 02:05 UTC
atomic_chunkWoTToegetreden04-03-2025, 02:04 UTC
Pay_to_win_MetaToegetreden04-03-2025, 01:56 UTC
Total_Arty_DeathToegetreden04-03-2025, 01:56 UTC
FalkunPawnchToegetreden04-03-2025, 01:56 UTC
Dank__HankToegetreden04-03-2025, 01:56 UTC
_Reconsider_Toegetreden04-03-2025, 01:56 UTC
__WittyToegetreden04-03-2025, 01:55 UTC
ax1leGestopt 03-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
yBanRespektGestopt 03-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Free_Candy_Van75Gestopt 03-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Stephanie__PlaysGestopt 03-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Jackie_Chan_EnjoyerGestopt 03-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
B_BooMeRToegetreden02-03-2025, 22:14 UTC
DVSdrummer55Toegetreden02-03-2025, 19:11 UTC
DRG_BRToegetreden02-03-2025, 19:11 UTC
royalpandaToegetreden02-03-2025, 19:10 UTC
Scrotal_CombatToegetreden02-03-2025, 19:10 UTC
myfemboyinstinctsToegetreden02-03-2025, 19:10 UTC
SacredstrikeToegetreden02-03-2025, 17:04 UTC
_Rad1umToegetreden02-03-2025, 04:52 UTC
BEAST001Toegetreden02-03-2025, 02:56 UTC
KyleTheCatLoverToegetreden02-03-2025, 02:30 UTC
GENERALPOTATO24Gestopt 01-03-2025, 23:17 UTC
JhonJMGestopt 01-03-2025, 15:01 UTC
snowdude21325Toegetreden01-03-2025, 01:26 UTC
W__I__L__L__Toegetreden01-03-2025, 01:23 UTC
baquettaToegetreden01-03-2025, 00:11 UTC
fortuna_gratiaToegetreden28-02-2025, 22:46 UTC
CynoNAGestopt 28-02-2025, 11:18 UTC
Anubis83Toegetreden28-02-2025, 05:28 UTC
Harmonics_Toegetreden28-02-2025, 03:53 UTC
sprite1xToegetreden28-02-2025, 03:21 UTC
jota_veToegetreden28-02-2025, 00:26 UTC
Mautz_Toegetreden28-02-2025, 00:10 UTC
The_Ring_LeaderToegetreden28-02-2025, 00:10 UTC
YOLOMPIGestopt 27-02-2025, 17:17 UTC
BEAST001Gestopt 27-02-2025, 15:01 UTC
Mini_The2MarkL3G3ndGestopt 27-02-2025, 15:01 UTC
GiibzZGestopt 27-02-2025, 15:01 UTC
valime11_11Gestopt 27-02-2025, 15:01 UTC
The_killer_is_calmGestopt 27-02-2025, 15:01 UTC
SunIsHighGestopt 27-02-2025, 15:01 UTC
Alejo___xDGestopt 27-02-2025, 15:01 UTC
LuciferSamaelGestopt 27-02-2025, 14:16 UTC
Larson94Gestopt 27-02-2025, 14:15 UTC
Lightning_____Gestopt 27-02-2025, 11:20 UTC
TM64Gestopt 27-02-2025, 11:20 UTC
fortuna_gratiaGestopt 27-02-2025, 11:20 UTC
TheGlizzy_GobblerGestopt 27-02-2025, 11:19 UTC
Anubis83Gestopt 27-02-2025, 11:17 UTC
TedMunzGestopt 27-02-2025, 11:17 UTC
Cereal5Gestopt 27-02-2025, 11:16 UTC
AnotherGoldSpammerGestopt 27-02-2025, 08:16 UTC
chris7979Toegetreden27-02-2025, 04:14 UTC
Wookie_ChillToegetreden27-02-2025, 04:14 UTC
Lakin_Toegetreden26-02-2025, 23:56 UTC
Just_BaddiesToegetreden26-02-2025, 23:56 UTC
Rizzler_InParisGestopt 26-02-2025, 15:01 UTC
Mamas_NoahGestopt 26-02-2025, 05:17 UTC
Striker_DivisionToegetreden26-02-2025, 02:10 UTC
mike_1007Toegetreden25-02-2025, 23:30 UTC
Alejo___xDToegetreden25-02-2025, 23:26 UTC
GetOffYourLawnToegetreden25-02-2025, 23:26 UTC
zadeo_Gestopt 25-02-2025, 11:17 UTC
MoslnToegetreden25-02-2025, 02:53 UTC