[PSYCO] Psychotic Tankers

Tinfoil hats are not required, but they will help prevent your mind from being controlled.


This clan is for casual gamers. If you are stat obsessed you are welcome here, but this clan may not be your best fit, we are not a bunch of "try hards". We are looking for people who enjoy playing, and understand that it is only a game. We are accepting tier 10 players now, but more importantly, we are looking for people who want to platoon, have fun, play in clan wars and strongholds when able, and generally just be "cool". We do clan wars and or advances most everyday except the weekend, lets have fun blowing up enemy tanks together. We require that everyone utilize teamspeak for better communications.

PSYCO is a pretty casual clan, albeit a little kooky. The clan is currently ranking in the top 100 overall by World of Tanks "Clan Rating". This means your prospective clan is doing better than 7000+ other clans!!

Most always in the top 50% for CW.

Teamspeak is required during clan battles only.

We would love to have you, Another Red Headed Ninja

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 96

Ø Gevechten32884
Ø WN81153,18
Win / verlies48,95%




Sniperking1Gestopt 27-03-2025, 15:23 UTC
ZartardToegetreden23-03-2025, 16:32 UTC
Devil666FoxGestopt 20-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
Slink_gunnerGestopt 20-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
stealandchrome1Gestopt 20-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
1JUNKYARDGOD1Toegetreden19-03-2025, 03:57 UTC
XWHITE_DEVILXToegetreden19-03-2025, 03:57 UTC
CaptainCinderBlockToegetreden19-03-2025, 02:29 UTC
GhostTankSniperGestopt 15-03-2025, 11:16 UTC
JUNKYARDGODXXXToegetreden12-03-2025, 00:41 UTC
BLLDGToegetreden11-03-2025, 01:29 UTC
JUNKYARDGODXXXGestopt 10-03-2025, 15:01 UTC
Sniperking1Toegetreden10-03-2025, 04:02 UTC
ACCXconToegetreden08-03-2025, 18:59 UTC
_SN1PER_Gestopt 07-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
BuffTheEbrGestopt 05-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
stidgeGestopt 04-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
mobilesoldierGestopt 04-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
JUNKYARD_GODGestopt 04-03-2025, 03:01 UTC
XJUNKYARDGODX1Gestopt 04-03-2025, 03:01 UTC