[RATP] ratpack

learning to be better then yesterday


Very laidback clan looking to learn from each other and make friends to platoon with. Want people who like to solo and platoon with clan. We train on map when someone wants to explore new possibilities and/or tactics. If you are mature enough to seek growth for your toons and share with others in a casual setting, this is the way to go.

We want to help people finish their missions
Also want to cultivate a friendly group of trusted friends for platooning
We will accept younger members with mature attitude and willing to learn
Taking people with 3k or more games and a tier 6 or higher tank
(must be willing to grow to tier 10)
Must have teamspeak 3

Will boot drama queens-botters-illegal modders
Plz personal message me if interested. My toon is tantolis and i will be happy to help you settle in to your new clan.

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 6

Ø Gevechten22383
Ø WN81481,71
Win / verlies52,38%


Schermutselingen statistieken


