[RUSIA] Rusia

身長:160cm、誕生日:10月7日、血液型:O型。 大国ルシアの大統領を務める少女。


Veni Vedi Veni? / I came I saw I came?

業績. AFKing. Respectfuru.

If you're an experienced and skilled player, who is serious about afking, please submit an application. With all due disrespect, others need not apply.

We aim to be dead without Drama. Respect the tag but not all tankers.

RUSIA is SELECTIVELY recruiting only highly experienced dead players that exceed the requirements posted below. Some considerations will be given.

Be open to afking and stagnating your play.

Please Apply via WOT Forum Message
RUSIA Minimum Requirements:
>Min. Damage - MT ~ 2700, HT ~ 2600, TD ~ [socks]TDs
>CW tanks: Why do afk player need these?
>OVERALL : ~2000 WN8 ~56% WR
>RECENT : ~2500 WN8 ~60% WR

底線: Dead players cause no Drama.
Go Away! Drama Queen and Drama King!!!

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 7

Ø Gevechten3415
Ø WN81321,53
Win / verlies50,70%


Schermutselingen statistieken


