[SIMP] is a old top clan seeking active competitive players. We participate when we feel like it, in advances, and skirmishes supplemented by tier X credit boosters. We have fun,attempt to hone whats left of our skills, and regularly seek fights with other top clans only when we are overconfident. We compete at a top level 7 days a week, including weekends, except sunday while keeping the good community aspect.
Requirements For [SIMP] Membership:
1) Speaks English
2) WN8 - 2500 Recents + WinRate - 52% Recent
3) At least four CW tanks
4) DPG around 3.2k on normal and 3.6k on overpowered tanks
5) Discord [ https://discord.io/SIMP- ] and TS [ SIMP ]
Contact Clearly, AdmiralDrake, snowman007 or Blackjack7 for recruitment and diplomacy.