[T-D-D] Team Driving Disabled

Ready for Anything, Counting on Nothing.


T-D-D is a solid group who enjoy assisting in completion of missions, contests, strongholds & occasional global map play. We are a casual clan seeking active players who enjoy playing as a team. We encourage platoons, training rooms, knowledge sharing of game mechanics & strats. We assist in helping each other with missions, tank grinding, etc.

We play strongholds Friday nights @6pm EST.

Requirements for Membership:
1. Must be 18+ and speak English
2. Play on North America server.
3. Must have Discord and use appropriate channels while logged into game (ie. Platoon, AFK, etc.)
4. Keep open communication with clan members. (We are a social organization & expect participation from our members, this is why we are here. If you don't like playing with others this clan is not for you.)
5. Must treat clan members with respect at all times. Bashing, screaming and fighting within this clan is strictly prohibited. Its just a game.

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 11

Ø Gevechten14423
Ø WN81047,87
Win / verlies48,68%


Schermutselingen statistieken


