[2WIN] Press 2 to win

Press 2 for creditboosters :)


This clan is created to get the credit boosters, XP boosters and free exp boosters from structures. We have a full level X Stronghold that gives us Max Boosters. Feel free to join. The only thing we ask from you is to be active and to play world of tanks. We run boosters every night :)

Feel free to join our discord to see our current goals and progress: https://discord.gg/cH7dvv6732

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 98

Ø Gevechten20239
Ø WN81749,97
Win / verlies52,86%




3aziKillToegetreden18-03-2025, 13:05 UTC
Nici_93bToegetreden12-03-2025, 16:22 UTC
jackooGestopt 11-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
LipieaGestopt 11-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
jjboy69Gestopt 11-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
matesak110Gestopt 11-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
ToonHermans18Gestopt 09-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
Kedii1Gestopt 09-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
markopol96Toegetreden09-03-2025, 14:34 UTC
H4nn1b4lL3ct3rToegetreden09-03-2025, 14:34 UTC
YHumourceYGestopt 06-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
ePoeTheSabotationToegetreden06-03-2025, 18:58 UTC
OtterPerson__Toegetreden06-03-2025, 18:57 UTC
PrvonozecSeSToegetreden06-03-2025, 12:36 UTC
CameICaseGestopt 02-03-2025, 09:05 UTC
let_the_suffering_beginGestopt 22-02-2025, 18:16 UTC