[BC28] Bravo Company 28

The Grind is Never Finished (TM)


Bravo Company 28 is a casual clan. We platoon and skirmish together regularly, building up our stronghold slowly but surely so we can activate Clan Reserves for our members. We are a low-pressure environment with an emphasis on development and enjoying the game.

BC28 is a multi-gaming group and this is our World of Tanks division. We are generally European based, age range from 18ish to about 40+ and love to chat, so bring a working microphone!

Our rules are simple:
1. Be respectful to others
2. Join voice chat on our discord server
3. Take part in clan life by using the various communication channels.
4. Take part in at least 10 skirmish battles per month.
5. Have fun!

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 28

Ø Gevechten7216
Ø WN8886,33
Win / verlies48,80%



