[KF4D] Killers From a Distance

Invaders Must Die!


Кillers From a Distanse

Our mission is to be a nice, strong clan mainly based on Platoon, TB, TC and later on CW as well.

For anyone that is interested in joining the clan.

Requirements to joining KF4D:

1300 + WN8 (1300 WN8 or higher at your last battles, so if it's 1100 but u got above 1300 now u may apply/contact).
Average Damage :
1400 + Damage on T8 Heavy.
1200 + Damage on T8 Med's.
1600 + Damage on T8 TD.
1400 + Damage on T8 Arty.
At least 2 Tier 8.
49% + Win Rate and a higher personal rating then 4000.
Have a nice sence of humor, and be social and NOT AFRAID TO GIVE YOUR OPINION AND IDEAS (in a battle situation)
TeamSpeak 3 is a must!

If you meet our requierments,
contact one of the recruiters or just apply :)

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 1

Ø Gevechten3826
Ø WN8501,57
Win / verlies46,47%


Schermutselingen statistieken


