[N_JOY] Be Happy

Dont worry play happy ;)


Welcome to N-joy clan

We play skirmishes and advances almost daily.
We play global map events.
We speak Russian, Ukrainian and German
Daily clan boosts for credits and experience.

Recruitment status: OPEN
TS3: behappy.ts3v.pro

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 99

Ø Gevechten33583
Ø WN81736,56
Win / verlies52,49%


Schermutselingen statistieken



ONE_SHOT_RUSSIAToegetreden18-03-2025, 19:53 UTC
Malammore13Toegetreden17-03-2025, 09:00 UTC
Aldo_ApachToegetreden16-03-2025, 15:10 UTC
LolochishkaGestopt 16-03-2025, 12:06 UTC
maxims350Toegetreden16-03-2025, 12:00 UTC
mikepesGestopt 16-03-2025, 06:16 UTC
gernehardreinholzenGestopt 15-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
Totti_prostoToegetreden15-03-2025, 20:43 UTC
Furious355Gestopt 13-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
fltvkGestopt 13-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
Bayr0ktarGestopt 13-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
steiner090178Gestopt 13-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
StrsylexToegetreden13-03-2025, 10:20 UTC
ugroza_T134Toegetreden12-03-2025, 20:56 UTC
mikepesToegetreden10-03-2025, 20:02 UTC
alijoToegetreden10-03-2025, 16:34 UTC
WHITE_PRIDE_69Toegetreden10-03-2025, 15:59 UTC
MotionDanGestopt 09-03-2025, 18:14 UTC
Traeumer2020Gestopt 08-03-2025, 17:41 UTC
xNebelGeistxToegetreden08-03-2025, 14:47 UTC
The_Bloody__NineGestopt 08-03-2025, 14:19 UTC
ArmoredHorrorGestopt 07-03-2025, 17:17 UTC
q_Spir1tToegetreden07-03-2025, 09:25 UTC
Crazy__NegodyaiToegetreden06-03-2025, 19:40 UTC
MOPKOBHbIU__voinGestopt 05-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
rozpyshutelGestopt 04-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
DarkestFateToegetreden02-03-2025, 11:21 UTC
Tr1pl3AGestopt 28-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
zubizarusGestopt 28-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
martsel6Gestopt 28-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
Borodach832Toegetreden28-02-2025, 17:18 UTC
Gohan_from_hellToegetreden28-02-2025, 07:32 UTC
PaklenicaGestopt 27-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
The_Bloody__NineToegetreden26-02-2025, 22:56 UTC
Sherman_xcGestopt 26-02-2025, 09:06 UTC
relezzoutnnToegetreden23-02-2025, 10:07 UTC