[MAX_1] MAX_1

Nikdy sa nevzdáme! We Will Never Give Up!


Náš obvyklý herní rozvrh:
7 dní v týdnu

Mluvíme jazykem:


Šarvátky, Ofenzívy, Globální mapa, Turnaje

Nabízíme :
✔️ Denně klanové zálohy.
✔️ Klanové války , šarvátky, ofenzívy.
✔️ Vlastní Teamspeak server - pro komunikaci.
✔️ Facebook stránky klanu,Messenger.
✔️ Dobrou partu lidi.

Co vyžadujeme pro PŘIJETÍ ?
❗️ Aktivní hráč WoT.
❗️ Dodržování Pravidel klanu. Soupis na klanovém TS3.
❗️ Tanky tieru X,VIII ( použitelné na klanové hraní )
❗️ Slušné chování.
❗️ Používat teamspeak při přihlášení do hry.

❗️❗️❗️❗️ - Náš teamspeak server: maxim1.cz ❗️❗️❗️❗️

✔️Pokuste se udržet nervy na uzdě a nenadávat protihráčům, jsou to jen lidi co to hrají pro stejnou zábavu
jako většina z nás :-)

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 54

Ø Gevechten32555
Ø WN81768,49
Win / verlies52,60%




michal00xGestopt 17-02-2025, 04:01 UTC
r3dH4Ck_ZKWToegetreden16-02-2025, 20:35 UTC
PraseciPrdelkaGestopt 15-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
Kosmas_69Gestopt 14-02-2025, 17:42 UTC
N1ce_Oh_Sh1tGestopt 13-02-2025, 21:08 UTC
My_name_is_Angel_BatistaToegetreden13-02-2025, 16:04 UTC
FleurydenGestopt 13-02-2025, 09:07 UTC
BombstrikerGestopt 12-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
boomshoterGestopt 12-02-2025, 08:20 UTC
BOT_tiborxgodGestopt 11-02-2025, 23:38 UTC
BOT_kenryGestopt 11-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
BOT_endyyGestopt 11-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
LessYGestopt 11-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
_Vodry_Gestopt 11-02-2025, 20:26 UTC
My_name_is_Dexter_MorganToegetreden11-02-2025, 09:46 UTC
lontromGestopt 11-02-2025, 02:27 UTC
zaja6Gestopt 11-02-2025, 02:21 UTC
BOT_BOOM_BOOMGestopt 10-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
lukinaGestopt 10-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
GOD_PetrGestopt 10-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
Jergi_13Gestopt 10-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
T0X1C__N3ZAB1LGestopt 10-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
lontromToegetreden10-02-2025, 16:10 UTC
Demolitionman2017_1Gestopt 10-02-2025, 09:42 UTC
Hifumi19Gestopt 10-02-2025, 09:42 UTC
TribullusGestopt 08-02-2025, 23:23 UTC
Kosmas_69Toegetreden07-02-2025, 21:45 UTC
pilot19999Gestopt 07-02-2025, 05:58 UTC
deomant160Toegetreden06-02-2025, 02:18 UTC
TribullusToegetreden05-02-2025, 22:45 UTC
Arch_Michael_9Gestopt 05-02-2025, 17:32 UTC
GOLDEN_AlphaMikeAMGestopt 04-02-2025, 17:36 UTC
Convulsion_of_fantasyGestopt 03-02-2025, 23:54 UTC
Hlinda_CZEToegetreden01-02-2025, 02:12 UTC
EBRmasterToegetreden31-01-2025, 17:39 UTC
Potvora_LukyyGestopt 30-01-2025, 17:27 UTC
debrleeeToegetreden30-01-2025, 16:40 UTC
SpawnikToegetreden30-01-2025, 16:33 UTC
Potvora_PepaToegetreden29-01-2025, 09:17 UTC
veles3867Gestopt 29-01-2025, 09:11 UTC
Jaryn_2020czeGestopt 29-01-2025, 09:11 UTC
hame666Gestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
Mates970Gestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
kapacita_2Gestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
xXchhrisrXxGestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
P3NCAKGestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
cantbenormalGestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
lukys110Gestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
mlhosaknbGestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
Ruby6556Gestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
ungi11Gestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
optimprimeGestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
Michal2411Gestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
D_e_h_u_m_aGestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
Nostromo75Gestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
Drift_masteRGestopt 28-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
FT_KrizissGestopt 28-01-2025, 20:52 UTC
arsenijkovalov54Gestopt 28-01-2025, 20:51 UTC
Pitbul008Gestopt 28-01-2025, 20:24 UTC
Maxim13423Gestopt 28-01-2025, 20:01 UTC
Kosmas_69Gestopt 27-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
MUSKO_ironGestopt 27-01-2025, 09:07 UTC
berry0001Gestopt 26-01-2025, 09:18 UTC
LessYToegetreden25-01-2025, 21:48 UTC
BloodyBorgGestopt 23-01-2025, 21:36 UTC
fero555Gestopt 23-01-2025, 21:07 UTC
Potvora_HansToegetreden23-01-2025, 18:25 UTC
Potvora_Attom122Toegetreden23-01-2025, 18:25 UTC
Potvora_LukyyToegetreden23-01-2025, 17:55 UTC
Potvora_JagerMeisterToegetreden23-01-2025, 17:55 UTC
Potvora_FlachTyToegetreden23-01-2025, 17:55 UTC
PrismOfCynicismGestopt 22-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
paxan_2577Gestopt 22-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
michols123Gestopt 22-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
BOT_endyyToegetreden22-01-2025, 16:38 UTC
T0X1C__N3ZAB1LToegetreden22-01-2025, 14:58 UTC
michal00xToegetreden21-01-2025, 20:54 UTC
acddusan123456Toegetreden21-01-2025, 19:30 UTC
pilot19999Toegetreden21-01-2025, 18:52 UTC
FleurydenToegetreden21-01-2025, 17:55 UTC
EmefkoToegetreden21-01-2025, 17:34 UTC
PraseciPrdelkaToegetreden21-01-2025, 16:39 UTC
satan75_Toegetreden20-01-2025, 21:14 UTC
jomadokaonGestopt 20-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
RUDE_Only_PatusikGestopt 20-01-2025, 20:54 UTC
nsREDGestopt 19-01-2025, 21:16 UTC
GOD_PetrToegetreden19-01-2025, 19:50 UTC