[OOA] Out of Ammo

Holy ****, we are Out of Ammo!


Casual Danish clan. We have everything from Tier 1 to 10.

OOA is a part of the Out of Gaming Community.


Out of Gaming Community is a gathering place for casual players
who like to play without the high pressure you get in some game
clans but still being in one so you have friends to chat/play with.
In OoGC we dont care about how much time you have nor the skills
you possess. What games you chose to participate in is also up to
own chosing.

We do however expect you to behave politely toward
other players and being on the mailing list of OoGC.

The goal is to have a decent number of players each time we start up
a new game. This will benefit everyone and make us rise quickly in
the games where possible.

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 4

Ø Gevechten16379
Ø WN8873,27
Win / verlies47,57%


Schermutselingen statistieken


