[OUCH-] Old United Coughing Heroes

Age doesn't matter, action and.. what was I talking about?


We are a social and friendly based clan. We have a discord server where we have a laugh and do platoons.

We welcome all players that are willing to be an active player in OUCH-, on discord voice and in game.
English is the main language, but we have members from all over Europe.

We do SH, maneuvers, and more clan related activities.

We have started a second clan, called OUCH2, which is an extension to this clan. We will have everybody involved in OUCH-, in platoons, SH, clan events etc. If you feel interested, just reach out to one of our officers and we will get you into the community!

If you have any questions, just reach out to one of our officers and we can have a chat.

Welcome and roll out!

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 97

Ø Gevechten25551
Ø WN81207,64
Win / verlies49,91%


Schermutselingen statistieken



HMS_CumberlandGestopt 26-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
FreakMcCreakGestopt 24-03-2025, 04:13 UTC
dylansimpsonToegetreden23-03-2025, 16:40 UTC
Lahti_39Gestopt 21-03-2025, 05:30 UTC
DaemonsionalGestopt 20-03-2025, 05:24 UTC
SohvietGestopt 17-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
Kenzie_SadlerGestopt 17-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
Sgt_KoxyToegetreden17-03-2025, 20:58 UTC
xn00blordxToegetreden17-03-2025, 19:29 UTC
ExustienToegetreden17-03-2025, 18:39 UTC
ClinBToegetreden17-03-2025, 13:18 UTC
EvO_MystiqToegetreden17-03-2025, 13:10 UTC
JhonneyGestopt 16-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
ThePreacher7Gestopt 16-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
RhushiaGestopt 16-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
nihedhunGestopt 16-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
mickstandenToegetreden16-03-2025, 16:59 UTC
Staale_The_GiraffeToegetreden16-03-2025, 10:56 UTC
Darkdragon1989Gestopt 13-03-2025, 02:17 UTC
Brle_69Toegetreden12-03-2025, 20:57 UTC
EpicG_2021Toegetreden11-03-2025, 22:03 UTC
PassionCrushToegetreden11-03-2025, 11:06 UTC
RadianceTMToegetreden11-03-2025, 11:06 UTC
RocketblasterGestopt 11-03-2025, 09:06 UTC
Beorn2000Gestopt 11-03-2025, 02:18 UTC
simon011001Gestopt 10-03-2025, 23:56 UTC
Gavroche97Toegetreden10-03-2025, 22:59 UTC
thetankgobblerToegetreden10-03-2025, 21:21 UTC
nihedhunToegetreden09-03-2025, 19:29 UTC
DieHamerToegetreden09-03-2025, 08:36 UTC
andy78654Toegetreden08-03-2025, 21:59 UTC
OomJayJayToegetreden08-03-2025, 18:32 UTC
KilldeiuGestopt 07-03-2025, 23:42 UTC
Boom_Boom_BlitzcrankGestopt 07-03-2025, 23:38 UTC
siglicToegetreden07-03-2025, 21:47 UTC
asguard_83Toegetreden07-03-2025, 21:29 UTC
JimmyPotato04Gestopt 07-03-2025, 02:17 UTC
Andre2013Toegetreden06-03-2025, 23:33 UTC
tg119Toegetreden05-03-2025, 22:13 UTC
Lahti_39Toegetreden05-03-2025, 18:57 UTC
Brle_69Gestopt 05-03-2025, 09:06 UTC
reaper1016Gestopt 04-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
vrnhrrGestopt 04-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
HeartmenderToegetreden04-03-2025, 18:02 UTC
HellgrimsToegetreden03-03-2025, 14:52 UTC
danty26Gestopt 02-03-2025, 08:24 UTC
KilldeiuToegetreden01-03-2025, 19:02 UTC
Vazze76Toegetreden28-02-2025, 20:25 UTC
MikeTricepsGestopt 27-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
pancirniGestopt 27-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
TomjoerGestopt 27-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
Darkdragon1989Toegetreden27-02-2025, 19:59 UTC
pelipasiGestopt 27-02-2025, 02:18 UTC
Magnitude15Toegetreden26-02-2025, 22:02 UTC
PEPSIJUNIORGestopt 25-02-2025, 21:06 UTC
SamensameToegetreden25-02-2025, 20:34 UTC
Rathor_destroyerToegetreden25-02-2025, 19:13 UTC