[PEKL0] S čerty nejsou žerty

Co peklo schvátí, to už nenavrátí


O nás:
Jsme pohodový klan.
Pravidelně hrajeme šarvátky.
Máme a pouštíme Xtier zálohy.
Máme zkušenosti s klanovým hráním.
Jsme schopní a ochotní pomáhat nováčkům.

Úspěchy: Manévry 2025 jaro...7 licencí

PEKL0 je to pravé místo.

Podmínky a povinnosti:
Mít Discord
Vlastnit aspoň jeden VIII tier tank hratelný na šarvátkách.
Min. tři X tier tank (IS-7, 277, E5, 60TP, BZ-75, CS-63, 140).
Hrát občasně čety nebo šarvátky pro plnění služebního turnusu.

•Každého hráče řešíme individuálně.

Pokud vás něco zajímá napište: vitt34, Venca43_

Náš druhý klan:

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 89

Ø Gevechten17103
Ø WN81383,87
Win / verlies50,31%




Bejcek_is_BomboclatGestopt 25-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
Lumek77Toegetreden25-03-2025, 16:50 UTC
lerykaToegetreden24-03-2025, 18:55 UTC
AdamzjungleToegetreden24-03-2025, 18:31 UTC
RockyBalovaToegetreden24-03-2025, 10:05 UTC
Bejcek_is_BomboclatToegetreden23-03-2025, 16:01 UTC
lolisbettergameToegetreden23-03-2025, 00:35 UTC
chachar_87Gestopt 22-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
ryzovtankGestopt 22-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
mil9999Gestopt 22-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
NekromcsCZGestopt 22-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
cokosakkGestopt 22-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
SamiikSVKGestopt 22-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
iron_Pita_81Gestopt 22-03-2025, 18:03 UTC
xXTa22getXxToegetreden22-03-2025, 17:58 UTC
VelkychliebGestopt 22-03-2025, 17:58 UTC
beztvareGestopt 22-03-2025, 17:38 UTC
CZxValleymanGestopt 22-03-2025, 17:36 UTC
IntrexoToegetreden22-03-2025, 16:01 UTC
jarolo65Toegetreden22-03-2025, 10:45 UTC
The_Imm0rtalToegetreden22-03-2025, 10:45 UTC
AUTISTA_FIJIPEGToegetreden21-03-2025, 19:59 UTC
panacek19Toegetreden20-03-2025, 14:14 UTC
onyx1986Toegetreden19-03-2025, 18:28 UTC
KralpiskovisteToegetreden19-03-2025, 16:48 UTC
Captain_PitomioGestopt 18-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
LudvynaGestopt 18-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
pora2005Gestopt 18-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
hrac01Gestopt 18-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
Garp_czGestopt 18-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
305kaGestopt 18-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
simonastepanGestopt 18-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
24tomas24Gestopt 18-03-2025, 17:25 UTC
simon_lacina1Toegetreden17-03-2025, 20:19 UTC
petrktToegetreden17-03-2025, 20:10 UTC
Corny__Toegetreden17-03-2025, 16:33 UTC
_DejvoosToegetreden16-03-2025, 20:18 UTC
maza86Toegetreden16-03-2025, 20:12 UTC
shrek_cz_abijakToegetreden16-03-2025, 20:12 UTC
Ponozka_LPToegetreden16-03-2025, 20:12 UTC
PhobiiosToegetreden16-03-2025, 20:10 UTC
dodos0810Toegetreden16-03-2025, 20:10 UTC
jura1300Toegetreden16-03-2025, 20:09 UTC
Leopard_982Toegetreden16-03-2025, 20:08 UTC
svk_filipToegetreden16-03-2025, 20:06 UTC
Lopata_Blaza221Toegetreden16-03-2025, 20:04 UTC
vitt34Toegetreden16-03-2025, 20:02 UTC
jestrabiokoToegetreden16-03-2025, 20:01 UTC
Burry_011Toegetreden16-03-2025, 20:01 UTC
SchubeToegetreden16-03-2025, 20:00 UTC
AndrejplayerToegetreden16-03-2025, 19:59 UTC
rudaIVToegetreden16-03-2025, 19:56 UTC
jirulkalcToegetreden16-03-2025, 19:56 UTC
Venca43_Toegetreden16-03-2025, 19:56 UTC
Steve_The_Gold_NooBToegetreden16-03-2025, 19:56 UTC
ShakeLPToegetreden16-03-2025, 19:56 UTC
MisusagToegetreden16-03-2025, 19:56 UTC
oli7999Toegetreden16-03-2025, 19:55 UTC
Rasty_czToegetreden16-03-2025, 19:55 UTC
TomsusExToegetreden15-03-2025, 11:25 UTC
HonimirBezKulkaToegetreden15-03-2025, 11:25 UTC
juraas76Gestopt 12-03-2025, 17:22 UTC
maza86Gestopt 08-03-2025, 17:20 UTC
jakubtagGestopt 07-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
dodos0810Gestopt 07-03-2025, 09:06 UTC
SchubeGestopt 07-03-2025, 09:06 UTC
MisusagGestopt 07-03-2025, 09:06 UTC
jirulkalcGestopt 07-03-2025, 09:06 UTC
Ponozka_LPGestopt 07-03-2025, 05:33 UTC
oli7999Gestopt 07-03-2025, 05:33 UTC
simon_lacina1Gestopt 07-03-2025, 05:33 UTC
vitt34Gestopt 07-03-2025, 05:28 UTC
AndrejplayerGestopt 07-03-2025, 05:27 UTC
ShakeLPGestopt 07-03-2025, 05:26 UTC
Venca43_Gestopt 07-03-2025, 05:18 UTC
Rasty_czGestopt 07-03-2025, 05:16 UTC
PhobiiosGestopt 06-03-2025, 23:53 UTC
shrek_cz_abijakGestopt 06-03-2025, 23:43 UTC
Leopard_982Gestopt 06-03-2025, 23:43 UTC
_DejvoosGestopt 06-03-2025, 23:32 UTC
jestrabiokoGestopt 06-03-2025, 23:31 UTC
jura1300Gestopt 06-03-2025, 23:29 UTC
TomsusExGestopt 06-03-2025, 23:27 UTC
rudaIVGestopt 06-03-2025, 23:18 UTC
svk_filipGestopt 06-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
Corny__Gestopt 06-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
HonimirBezKulkaGestopt 06-03-2025, 17:28 UTC
lajos00Gestopt 02-03-2025, 17:15 UTC
simon_lacina1Toegetreden01-03-2025, 21:54 UTC
ChocoTelloGestopt 01-03-2025, 21:07 UTC
Its_Kokos_Not_LososToegetreden27-02-2025, 22:09 UTC