[SKIL2] Baboon Empire: SKIL2

Victory is Victory! Even if we took one for the team. :)


SKIL2 is a Skill4ltu community clan.
The goal is to keep a relaxed atmosphere of the SKILL Community, while running boosters regularly and playing skirmishes.

Requirements to join:
- 18+
- Speak English
- 2x 2nd MOE on Tier IX or 1x 2nd MOE Tier X
- Access to Discord for Clan news
- Preferably at least 6-8k battle
- At least 5 tier 10 tank with at least 50 battle
- Improving stats and willingness for improvement

Requirements to stay:
- 3000 Industrial Resources from Tour of Duty

How to join?
- Just apply through the WoT Website

Make sure you join Skill4ltu discord server and ask for the right permissions in the #disc-access-request channel

You can find the links to Skill4ltu Twitch, Discord and Index page below:
- https://www.twitch.tv/skill4ltu
- https://discord.gg/nhm8bxx
- https://skill4ltu.eu/

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 98

Ø Gevechten31263
Ø WN82033,42
Win / verlies53,98%




IrreproachableToegetreden21-03-2025, 19:27 UTC
LittleWhiteEagleToegetreden20-03-2025, 17:31 UTC
GamerflippToegetreden19-03-2025, 19:53 UTC
Anti33Toegetreden19-03-2025, 17:37 UTC
Delirio187Gestopt 16-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
Cpt_HacksGestopt 16-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
_freeqyGestopt 16-03-2025, 20:27 UTC
maatin1Toegetreden16-03-2025, 16:46 UTC
TryonyxGestopt 13-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
Phill500Toegetreden13-03-2025, 19:40 UTC
nichtMilanGestopt 11-03-2025, 23:31 UTC
Ls440Toegetreden09-03-2025, 17:03 UTC
TryonyxToegetreden09-03-2025, 14:44 UTC
PiggyBlasterToegetreden09-03-2025, 14:42 UTC
Romain_Is_PaSTrOpMaLiNGestopt 07-03-2025, 09:06 UTC
Cik_Cak_Vene_Toegetreden06-03-2025, 18:14 UTC
HarvHoodyGestopt 05-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
Romain_Is_PaSTrOpMaLiNToegetreden04-03-2025, 18:44 UTC
TraumaZergGestopt 03-03-2025, 23:46 UTC
arag997Gestopt 03-03-2025, 09:06 UTC
BehutsameGestopt 02-03-2025, 06:02 UTC
CEO_of_DripGestopt 01-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
CEO_of_CatgirlsGestopt 01-03-2025, 21:06 UTC
ViromenToegetreden01-03-2025, 19:34 UTC
DisasterjitToegetreden01-03-2025, 19:34 UTC
vitalya200722Gestopt 27-02-2025, 00:19 UTC
arag997Toegetreden20-02-2025, 21:04 UTC