[SKIL3] Baboon Empire: SKIL3

No Complaints, No Regrets!


SKIL3 is a Skill4ltu community clan.
The goal is to keep a relaxed atmosphere of the SKILL Community, while running boosters regularly.

Requirements to join:
- 18+
- Speak English
- 2nd MoE on Tier VIII+
- Access to Discord for Clan news

Requirements to stay:
- 2000 Industrial Resources from Tour of Duty

How to join?
- Just apply through the WoT Website

Make sure you join Skill4ltu discord server and ask for the right permissions in the #disc-access-request channel

You can find the links to Skill4ltu Twitch, Discord and Index page below:
- https://www.twitch.tv/skill4ltu
- https://discord.gg/nhm8bxx
- https://skill4ltu.eu/

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 100

Ø Gevechten27329
Ø WN81814,62
Win / verlies53,13%




SzperlandoGestopt 09-02-2025, 21:08 UTC
DurunduksGestopt 09-02-2025, 21:08 UTC
daddy2004Toegetreden09-02-2025, 18:17 UTC
Sijmen_1Toegetreden09-02-2025, 18:16 UTC
Pyrho_Toegetreden07-02-2025, 16:46 UTC
tomas__SVKGestopt 27-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
StriX222Gestopt 27-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
ArablippToegetreden27-01-2025, 12:01 UTC
TheUnknownThornSpitterToegetreden27-01-2025, 11:52 UTC