[SREAP] Shadow Reapers

In the Shadow of Death, We Stand Invincible / У тіні смерті - непереможні


?Ведеться набір в дружній клан [SREAP] ?
?від вас треба:52% ,2700+, онлайн 4/7 прайм з ?20,00 до 00,00??
?Обов'язок: брати активну участь у житті та розвитку клану:Гк,уркеп,турнір та взводні бої.⚔️?
?Вміти слухати , чути та думати?

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 82

Ø Gevechten33608
Ø WN81604,00
Win / verlies51,68%




Boltgaika2020Gestopt 19-02-2025, 21:08 UTC
3oJloTou_TTogapokGestopt 17-02-2025, 21:06 UTC
l___2cm___IGestopt 17-02-2025, 21:06 UTC
GTI777_13Gestopt 17-02-2025, 21:06 UTC
TRANE1750Gestopt 15-02-2025, 18:01 UTC
Vitos240885Toegetreden15-02-2025, 08:28 UTC
neymar__300Toegetreden14-02-2025, 20:23 UTC
_Mr_RusH_Gestopt 12-02-2025, 06:21 UTC
lSlavchiklGestopt 11-02-2025, 20:32 UTC
Twister_PisterGestopt 11-02-2025, 20:27 UTC
_Souls__Hunter_Toegetreden11-02-2025, 12:03 UTC
American1dolGestopt 11-02-2025, 11:40 UTC
Limp_Bizkit_2014Gestopt 11-02-2025, 09:07 UTC
I___LIGOR____IGestopt 11-02-2025, 08:22 UTC
M_I_L_F_A_RGestopt 11-02-2025, 00:45 UTC
nPocTo_4yDaKGestopt 10-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
VlasovichGestopt 10-02-2025, 21:07 UTC
MAKS_KAYMANToegetreden10-02-2025, 19:06 UTC
TRANE1750Toegetreden10-02-2025, 17:53 UTC
omvk3Gestopt 09-02-2025, 09:09 UTC
MaQ_book_UAGestopt 09-02-2025, 09:09 UTC
HAZIAYINGestopt 08-02-2025, 21:08 UTC
Gel1usGestopt 08-02-2025, 20:29 UTC
JekavlaitvcexGestopt 08-02-2025, 18:06 UTC
slimmsshaDyGestopt 08-02-2025, 18:02 UTC
kaliforn1aGestopt 08-02-2025, 17:27 UTC
znijderGestopt 08-02-2025, 02:24 UTC
SmolllvilleToegetreden07-02-2025, 20:12 UTC
l___2cm___IToegetreden07-02-2025, 20:01 UTC
IvI_C_T_U_T_E_JI_bToegetreden06-02-2025, 19:35 UTC
GTI777_13Toegetreden06-02-2025, 16:18 UTC
3oJloTou_TTogapokToegetreden06-02-2025, 16:06 UTC
l_Zhekanchik_lToegetreden03-02-2025, 21:45 UTC
minizloba57Gestopt 29-01-2025, 07:17 UTC
Calin_banatGestopt 27-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
Magiczny_ZbysiuGestopt 27-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
Faki_sternGestopt 27-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
0vuzGestopt 27-01-2025, 21:06 UTC
Melt_ZeroToegetreden26-01-2025, 19:12 UTC
JekavlaitvcexToegetreden26-01-2025, 17:13 UTC
DemoneIIIoGestopt 25-01-2025, 23:58 UTC