[_AOF_] Army of Freedom

We are an international clan, born in Holland. Never a bridge too far for playing with friends!


The people who started this clan are from Holland. We enjoy playing WoT with people from the Netherlands or Belgium, but we like to welcome people from other countries too.
We are a clan which stands for fair play, commitment and above all: having fun!

One of the few conditions we have is that you can speak Dutch or English.
You need to use TeamSpeak 3 if you want to join our clan and we want you to have at least tier VI tanks for skirmishes.

In our clan there is room for your opinion, tell us what you want out of this game and how the clan can help to achieve these goals.
You can play in our platoons or team battles in skirmishing, but it’s okay to do solo battles as well! Nevertheless, when we are doing skirmishes we assume that you want to join us.

Failure to adhere to clan requirements could result in clan position and membership..

Well, are you interested?! Send Hatseflats01 a message in WoT!

Clan statistiek

Aantal leden: 64

Ø Gevechten23505
Ø WN8875,40
Win / verlies47,93%




ilkinazavrGestopt 26-03-2025, 17:59 UTC
vancalsterToegetreden23-03-2025, 19:32 UTC
ilkinazavrToegetreden12-03-2025, 22:00 UTC
_The__King__Gestopt 09-03-2025, 20:19 UTC
buxyfreakGestopt 27-02-2025, 21:06 UTC